Testosterone 101 - When Should You Opt For TRT? - For Fathers Fitness

Testosterone 101 - When Should You Opt For TRT?

It seems like every day, there's a new article in the paper about testosterone replacement therapy.


You've probably even heard your friends at the gym talking about it.


But what is it, exactly? And more importantly, is it for you?


In this post, we'll take a look at what testosterone replacement therapy is, how it works and who should consider using it.


By the end, you'll have a good understanding of whether this type of therapy is right for you.


So let's get started!


Series Recap


Alright, before we get into the nitty-gritty of TRT, let’s go through the most important things you’ve learned so far in this article series.


    1. Testosterone is an important hormone that serves key functions in both genders.
    2. Low levels of testosterone can lead to side effects such as low sex drive, low energy, and decreased cognitive function.
    3. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decrease, but that can also be prematurely impacted by lifestyle choices, such as eating habits, toxic habits, lack of physical activity, and sun exposure, as well as poor sleep & stress management.


Moreover, in part 2 of this article series, we learned that the normal ranges of testosterone in men are as follows:


    1. 300-1200 ng/Dl for the total testosterone levels
    2. 8.5-25 pg/Ml for the free testosterone levels (actually usable/active testosterone)



Now, if all of the symptoms of low testosterone from part 1 apply to you, then here’s what we’d recommend doing:


    1. Get tests done to determine whether or not your testosterone levels are actually suboptimal
    2. Establish rock-solid training, eating, sleeping habits and get frequent sun exposure or supplement with vitamin D
    3. Avoid toxic habits
    4. Maintain these new habits for 6-12 months and see how you feel.
    5. As you begin to feel better (which you will), get a test done again to see how your testosterone levels are moving.


If laying all of these foundations did not really help you get back to normal levels and you still feel like something is off, well, it may be time to consider testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)!


What Is TRT?


Testosterone replacement therapy is a medical treatment in which natural testosterone is replaced by exogenous such to bring levels of the hormone to normal.


The therapy is often recommended for men who have low testosterone levels, the latter of which can cause a variety of unwanted side effects, such as low libido, poor recovery, and loss of muscle mass.


During TRT, small doses of exogenous testosterone are administered, and the levels of the hormone are frequently monitored to assure that they are within normal, healthy ranges.


Generally speaking, there are many ways of testosterone administration, such as:

    1. Patches
    2. Gels
    3. Subcutaneous pellets


Without a doubt, however, the most common way to do this is through injections, administered every 2 to 10 weeks.


Now, an important mention here is that TRT has nothing to do with the doses used for performance-enhancing in many sports, such as bodybuilding.


The goal of TRT is to help males maintain normal levels of testosterone, whereas PE is more oriented towards inducing unnaturally high levels of testosterone.




Needless to say, whenever you replace a natural function of the body with something from the outside, there is a myriad of things that can happen.


For the most part, if monitored by a medical professional who prescribes medically-approved testosterone, the risk of side effects is not big.


Nevertheless, certain unwanted side effects may occur, such as:


    1. Acne
    2. Oily skin
    3. Risk of blood clots
    4. Testicle shrinkage


When To Opt For TRT


As you already learned, testosterone replacement therapy is the medical means of treating hypogonadism.


With hypogonadism, the body produces insufficient testosterone, leading to a variety of undesired side effects.

Generally speaking, it is best to consult with your doctor if you speculate low testosterone levels and want to do something about it.


So here’s for a late disclaimer: This article is not published to help you diagnose or treat any underlying medical conditions!

Always consult with a medical professional, especially if your testicles are at stake.


To Wrap It Up


Testosterone replacement therapy is not for everyone. If you think that it might be appropriate for you, speak to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment.


You can also do many other things starting TODAY to help improve testosterone levels without taking any medication.


With that in mind, if you’ve skipped to this third part without reading the second one, click HERE to jump over there and learn more about the fundamental lifestyle changes everyone can make to positively impact natural testosterone production!


And, if you have any more questions and inquiries, reach out to us over at info@forfathersfitness.com.


Stay active and eat well!

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