The Four Temperaments - For Fathers Fitness

The Four Temperaments

The Four Temperaments

Ancient Method Of Distinguishing Different Character Traits

We’ve all heard of different personality types and the tests we do to determine which group we fall into.


Here we talk about one of the more ancient ones, so to speak - the four temperaments.


This is a method of compartmentalization of human personality types, which splits them into four basic groups based on their psychological traits, aspirations, and talents.


It dates back hundreds of years and initially revolved around the ancient idea of “humors” - fluids found in each person’s body in different quantities.


The initial idea behind this split was to find balance in each person thanks to how much or how little they had of each humor.


Once you have a little bit of everything and you achieve a balance between them, you are in essence, whole.


Although personality tests have gone through major changes, this basic personality distinction is still valid.


In fact, some of the most famous personality typologies actually include them.


For example, the “16 personalities test” by Myers and Briggs is based on these four temperaments, and the other twelve have a resounding resemblance of a mix between them.


But now, let’s explain the four temperaments strictly in terms of psychology and their portrayal in a person’s character.



These people tend to be more lively, optimistic, and carefree.


They love adventures and aren't scared to take risks, which is why boredom is a huge “no-no” for them.


This often makes them more creative than others, which is why most artists, musicians, and actors fall in this type.


This categorization also explains why the stigma about these people being more prone to addictions exists - you see, this type of people are often motivated by pleasure, which is a gateway to this behavior.


All of these facts and more make sanguine people have peculiarities when it comes to relationships, both professional and otherwise, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask.



This is the “people person” type.


They thrive in close harmonic relationships and often give their all to build them.


This makes the phlegmatic person a great parent and spouse as well as a reliable coworker.


The people who are friends with this type often go to them for advice or a show of compassion and usually take their words into great consideration.


However, seeing as phlegmatics don’t enjoy any sort of conflict, they might sometimes neglect their own opinions or feelings for “the greater good.”


On the more positive side, however, they are great at charity and teaching and thrive in pretty much every social situation.



Achieving their goals is the main driving force for these people.


They are logical, pragmatic, and as straightforward as can be.


This means that although they can experience certain issues with those around them, the relationships they build are always honest and open.


They despise small talk and superficial interactions and have no problem sharing their opinions regardless of who hears them.


Cholerics have an affinity for science, management, and programming, which makes them great workers in these fields.


They also usually make friends with their colleagues, seeing as it’s likely they have more than their jobs in common and can rely on each other’s honesty and openness.



The people that fall in this type love tradition and structure.


They stick to what they are familiar with and don’t care much about adrenaline.


They love their families and friends and are good at maintaining life-long relationships with them.


Melancholics also love a sense of community and are hard workers when it comes to contributing to it.


This is why all sorts of administration work is great for them, as well as management or other types of social positions.


So what exactly are the four temperaments, and what are the distinctions between each of them?


Well, they were based on an old idea of balancing different fluids present in each human.


Currently, they are the base of some of the more famous personality distinctions.


There are no bad or good temperaments, and they don’t divide people into leaders and followers.


They do, however, make a general profile in four specific ways.


To put it briefly, sanguine are social adventure seekers who enjoy the creating process and adrenaline.


Phlegmatics are social, empathic, and gentle people who enjoy helping others.


The people that fall in the choleric type are analytical and straightforward, they don’t mind being alone, but the relationships they have are built on honesty.


Finally, melancholics favor security and traditions. They care deeply for their community and enjoy more quiet lives.


Regardless of which type or a mix of types you fall into, you undoubtedly have something to learn and appreciate in each one.


The different ideologies and ideas that come from each type are innovative and can be useful to both those that fall in the same group as those who don’t.

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